Summer high school football! SSZ visits the Monmouth County 7 on 7 tournament in Matawan and the Ocean County 7 on 7 showcase at Toms River East and brings some great highlights
Wall to face Jackson Memorial in Shore Conference 7 on 7 championship game this Thursday
Monday night got everyone in high school football mode as Matawan High hosted the Monmouth County 7 on 7 tournament featuring 14 teams and Toms River East played host to the Ocean County 7 on 7. The Crimson Knights will face the Jaguars prior to the All-Shore Gridiron Classic senior all-star game this Thursday at Long Branch High. SSZ stopped at both county tournaments and brings you highlights.
Monmouth County 7 on 7 Tournament
Two surprise teams reach the finals as Wall outlasts Monmouth Regional in the championship game. SSZ shows the Crimson Knights and Falcons as well as great plays from host school Matawan and the dynamic Eddie Lewis of Mater Dei Prep:
Ocean County 7 on 7 Tournament
The Jaguars have a new signal caller in Dan Barker, who made a strong impression at Toms River East High. Jackson Memorial topped Barnegat 28-19 in the title game. The Bengals scored a 20-19 win over Lacey to reach the championship. Brick Township’s Ja’Sir Taylor made a nice TD catch as part of our Ocean County highlights: