Jersey Sports Zone’s Top 5 Goals from February were honored during the New Jersey Devils game against the Boston Bruins. Devils forward Kevin Rooney visited our honorees during pre-game and had quite a reaction to five tremendous goals!

JSZ thanks the New Jersey Devils for giving high school kids in New Jersey lifetime memories. After our pre-game visit with Kevin Rooney, the goals of the month winners had pre-game dinner and their goals were on full display during the first intermission of the Devils Bruins game. Watch our recap from another special night:

Kevin Rooney was quite impressed with each and every goal. Here’s his take on JSZ’s Top Goals:

Congratulations to our JSZ February Goals of the Month winners

#5: Matt Keane, Chatham

#4: Gehrig Eckoff, Morris Knolls

#3: Dan Quiles, Middletown North

#2: Nick Ochlan, Freehold Boro

#1: Michael Balzarotti, Delbarton

Jersey Sports Zone wraps up the season with our second annual 2019 All-State Hockey Banquet. The top players in the state will be honored prior to the Devils/’Sabres game this Monday night and we will announce our 2019 JSZ Hockey Player of the Year!